Taxi cost from/to Saint Lazare station ?
These estimates from/to Austerlitz station (13th arrondissement) are provided as an indication. The final price may be slightly lower or higher depending on the traffic encountered during the journey.
Please note Journeys between central Paris and Paris Orly and Roissy Charles de Gaulle airports are charged at a flat rate. The fare depends on the airport and the departure bank (right or left).
Estimated cost |
Taxi cab service |
Bus |
Shared shuttle |
Private passenger car |
Austerlitz-Paris |
8-25€ |
- |
20-30€ |
20-40€ |
Austerlitz-CDG |
65€ |
- |
20-30€ |
55-90€ |
Austerlitz-ORY |
36€ |
- |
20-30€ |
30-55€ |
Book your transfer |
Taxi cabs |
Passenger car service |
Taxi fares do not include any booking fees, approach fees or other supplements. Would you like to refine this estimate or find a fare for another destination such as La Défense, Paris Expo, Bercy or another Paris train station? Use our simulator or estimate the price by locating the nearest stations: Taxi ranks.
Nearest taxi ranks
Where to take a taxi from Gare d'Austerlitz? : The station has two main exits located Cour du Musée, on the Boulevard de l'Hôpital side a short walk from the Jardin des Plantes and the Natural History Museum and Cour de Seine along the left bank of the Seine (Map).
Meet and greet service at the station
Reserving a welcome at the station by a driver with a name sign is possible at Austerlitz station. This service can be booked via taxi booking centres, passenger car services companies (See above) or via the iDCAB service.
Getting to Paris airports from the station
Train, metro, bus, ... Other means of transport than taxi cabs are available to get to Paris Orly or Paris Roissy Charles de Gaulle airports from Austerlitz station.
- The easiest way to get to Paris Orly airport by transportation is to opt for the RER C, which passes through the basement of Gare d'Austerlitz. Once at Pont de Rungis, take the shuttle bus to Orly (Bus 183). One-way fare: €7.5 (2 tickets are required: €5 for the RER and €2.5 for the bus) *. Since June 2024 and the extension of metro line 14, it is now possible to travel directly from Gare de Lyon to Orly airport in around twenty minutes. You can therefore choose to walk to Gare de Lyon from Gare d'Austerlitz, simply by crossing the Seine. Walking time is 10 minutes.
- For Roissy Charles de Gaulle airport: take Metro line 5 to Gare du Nord to connect with the RER B (AS ticket price: €10.8).
* fares 2024