Taxi Saint Lazare station

The Gare Saint Lazare is a historic Paris station painted by Claude Monet. Located in the heart of the 8th arrondissement, it is now mainly used for traffic between Paris and the western suburbs. As a result, it is one of the busiest stations in the capital. Taxis are in very high demand here, and it's not always easy to find one quickly just opposite - on Rue du Havre opposite the Hôtel Concorde - as the main boulevards, which are very busy with Parisians and tourists, cannibalise many of them during the day.


Book your taxi cab from/to Saint Lazare station

To book your taxi cab, use our online reservation tool or consult our directory to find a driver or a booking centre.

Taxi cabs & passenger car services

Taxi cabs booking

Choose your departure address and to book your airport or station transfer online. The shuttle or VTC service is different from that of a taxi: Prior booking is compulsory... Read more

Book your transfer

Other train stations : Gare de Lyon, Gare du Nord, Gare de l'Est, Montparnasse station, Austerlitz station, Paris Bercy station.

Private chauffeur car hire


On-demand transport services

Taxi cab


Please refer to our Paris taxi phone directory or check one of the 8th district where Saint Lazare station is located. If the journey is made from a town outside the Paris taxi zone you can estimate de cost : Read more

How much does a taxi cost from/to Saint Lazare station ?

These estimates from/to Saint Lazare station (8th arrondissement) are provided as an indication. The final price may be slightly lower or higher depending on the traffic encountered during the journey.

Please note Journeys between central Paris and Paris Orly and Roissy Charles de Gaulle airports are charged at a flat rate. The fare depends on the airport and the departure bank (right or left).

Estimated cost Taxi cab service Bus Shared shuttle Private passenger car
St-Lazare-Paris 8-25€ - 20-30€ 20-40€
St-Lazare-CDG 56€ - 20-30€ 50-80€
St-Lazare-ORY 44€ - 20-30€ 40-60€
Book your transfer Taxi cabs Passenger car service

Taxi fares do not include any booking fees, approach fees or other supplements. Would you like to refine this estimate or find a fare for another destination such as La Défense, Paris Expo, Bercy or another Paris train station? Use our simulator or estimate the price by locating the nearest stations: Taxi ranks.

Nearest taxi stations

Where to take a taxi at Gare Saint Lazare? : The station has two main exits located Cour du Havre and Cour de Rome. Here's a tip to help you tell them apart: each of these esplanades has a work by Arman: L'Heure de tous (A stack of clocks) is in Cour du Havre, while Consigne à vie (Interlocking suitcases) is in Cour de Rome. The taxi rank is between the two, in Rue Saint Lazare, opposite the Hôtel Concorde. It is therefore on the right if you take the Cour du Havre exit and on the left if you exit Cour de Rome (Map). In theory, there are plenty of taxis there during the day, but demand is high. If the queue is too long, you can go to another taxi rank nearby (Taxi ranks map).

Meet and greet service at Saint Lazare station

Reserving a welcome at the station by a driver with a name sign is possible at Saint Lazare station. This service can be booked via taxi centres, passenger car services companies (See above) or via the iDCAB service.

Getting to from Paris de Gaulle or Orly airport

Other means of transport than taxi cabs are available to get to Paris Orly or Paris Roissy Charles de Gaulle airports from Saint Lazare station.

  • From Roissy airport it is possible to walk or take the metro to Opera to catch the Roissybus. Stop at Rue Scribe. One-way fare: €11.8*.
  • The RER B allows you to get to Orly (via Antony then Orlyval) or Roissy CDG (Terminals 1 and 2). To do this, first take line 14 to Châtelet and then the RER B. Fares range from €12 to €14.5, depending on the airport. Note that the link to Orly has been simplified with the extension of metro line 14 to the airport. The journey is now direct from Saint Lazare. This is the quickest and cheapest solution: the journey takes around 30 minutes and the ticket costs €10.3. *

* fares 2024


Calculate the cost of a journey

Taxi cost

Are you planning to travel to the Gare Saint Lazare soon?
Practical: Use our fare simulator to get a more accurate estimate of the price of your journey to Paris airports, the city centre or any other address in the suburbs.

How much cost a taxi cab

Gare Saint Lazare Paris Station © Moonik
Practical guide to taxis in Paris