Here is the list of medical taxi cabs in Levallois-Perret.
The city of Levallois-Perret is located in the Paris taxi cab zone. In this respect, any Parisian taxi driver approved by the social security system is able to carry out a journey which will be reimbursed.
Please note that reimbursement of travel costs is directly linked to a medical prescription: More about medical taxis
Various on-demand transport services such as taxis, airport shuttles and chauffeur-driven cars (VTC) may be available to book in this town Check the list
A taxi to get to the station or the airport
Are you planning to take a plane or train in the next few days and would like to book your transfer in advance? Taxi, airport shuttle or passenger car, click on the destination of your choice for an overview of the different options.
Three airports and six major railway stations serve Paris
You can also estimate the cost of your taxi journey in advance by using the simulator below.
Cost of a taxi journey from Levallois-Perret to ...
Would you like to find out how much a taxi will cost between Levallois-Perret and Paris Charles de Gaulle airport, Orly or any other address in the Ile-de-France region? Use our fare simulator to estimate the price of your journey.
The town of Levallois-Perret is located in Paris taxi cabs zone.
Here is teh list of approved medical taxis drivers in Levallois-Perret. This list is updated regularly. However, if you notice any errors or omissions, please let us know via the contact form.
Sfez Olivier: 06 20 33 91 91
Basset Patrice: 06 03 91 07 74
Portelli Patrick: 06 09 26 60 60
Menin Armand: 06 60 77 87 85
Claveron Manuel: 06 83 75 36 50
Zounaita Jean Francois: 06 60 21 58 02
The costs of professional transport for sick or disabled persons
are reimbursed only if the company providing the service
the company providing the service is approved by the "Caisse Primaire d'Assurance
Assurance Maladie (CPAM)". Approved taxis are
recognisable by the blue logo ‘taxi conventionné organismes
d'Assurance Maladie’ logo affixed to the rear window of the vehicle.
For more information, please consult this page:
Medical taxi
Reservation centers
In most cases, taxi booking centres have drivers with
CPAM-approved drivers. However, you should make this clear when you make your booking to avoid any unpleasant surprises.
Taxi reservation centers