Taxi rank : Drouot

Phone number: 01 42 46 00 00
Address: Métro Richelieu-Drouot (See map)

Traffic: Day Use of the taxi stand by day: 3/5 Nuit Use of the taxi stand by night: 3/5

Information : This taxi rank is located at the intersection of the Boulevards Haussmann and des Italiens. Parking space is limited, but taxis pass through regularly. This taxi rank is located near metro Richelieu Drouot and also in the vicinity of : Drouot, Musée Grévin, Hôtel Millenium, Hard Rock Café.


Estimated rates
How much does a taxi journey cost between Drouot and ...

  • Airports: Expect to pay 44Eur (Flat rate) to get to Paris Orly airport and 56Eur (Flat rate) to get to Paris Charles de Gaulle airport.
  • Stations: Expect to pay 13-20Eur to get to Gare de Lyon, 12-20Eur for Gare de l'Est, 12-20Eur for Gare du Nord and 17-23Eur to Montparnasse station.
  • La Defense: Expect to pay 20-27Eur to get to La Defense business center (Puteaux).

Important: The price estimates given on this site are for information only. are for information only. The range given corresponds to an average at peak and off-peak times. traffic. The final score may be slightly lower or higher higher or lower depending on traffic conditions, particularly in the event of a traffic jam.

Book your journey in advance: To book in advance your transfer to an airport or station from the 9th district Click here.


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Parisian taxi cab in the 9th district
Guide to Paris taxi cabs